Monday, October 17, 2022

Brandon Unverferth named DC Sport Management Student of the Month for September 2022

(Oct. 16, 2022) -- Defiance College student Brandon Unverferth is the college's "Sport Management Student of the Month" for September 2022.  Unverferth is from Ottawa, Ohio, in Putnam County.  He has a self-designed major in "Sport Communication" in which he is working with faculty in Communication, English, and Sport Management.  He is a leader in the new Sport Analytics class, SPMT 350.  Unverferth is the sports editor for DC's online newspaper, the Defender and also works in DC Athletics' Sports Information office. Unverferth aspires to become a sports journalist for a major sports network such as ESPN, CBS, or FOX and focus on college football.

Congratulations, Brandon!

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

"Hail the Purple and the Gold" exhibit at DC Archives in Dana Hall: now through Oct. 28

Currently on display in the DC Women's Commission Gallery is the fourth DC Archives Special Collection Exhibit offering viewers a unique glimpse into the history of DC athletics. Featured is a video recording of a presentation on DC sports history as documented by the DC Archives by Lead Librarian and Coordinator of Metadata and Archives, Barb Sedlock. The exhibit runs through October 28th.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Looking for an internship? Here's a list of 312 internships across USA

 If you are looking for an internship, be creative. 

  1. Think about an internship away from home, or away from Defiance. 
  2. Look for an opportunity that pays $$$$.  
  3. Have your resume completed, and proofreaded.
  4. And, find an internship in an area that interests you: ticket sales, corporate sales, events, sports information, team merchandise, graphic design, box office/ticket sales, or otherwise.

I just came across this link on Team Work Online, which shows MORE THAN 300 internships across the country:

You're ready - so go for it!
